What made you apply for your first job at Lawray Architects?
I was looking for a 12-month work placement in Cardiff as part of my sandwich degree at Sheffield Hallam University and Arnot Hughes, Managing Director at the time, kindly invited me for an interview. Safe to say I was nervous, having never attended a ‘real’ job interview before!
My nerves were quickly eased as it transpired that Arnot and I were from the same area of North Wales and had attended the same secondary school. We had an interesting conversation about Lawray as a practice, the architecture industry and North Wales. Lawray Architects looked like a great practice, so I accepted their offer of a 12-month work placement.
Do you remember your first day?
I don’t specifically remember my first day however I do remember getting to grips with the computer software during the first couple of weeks and learning how to produce design information. I also remember meeting Ray Pye during my first week where he explained the history of Lawray.
How has your job changed over the years?
I began working with colleagues to produce drawings and specifications, then took responsibility for the complete design information being issued for a project. Learning to liaise with clients and other members of the design team also developed with time and experience. As I took responsibility for larger projects, I began delegating tasks to colleagues, ensuring the design information was consistently high quality. I’ve also mentored graduates and new starters.
What has been your biggest achievement/success?
I enjoyed my involvement with Grade II listed Pantycelyn Hall of Residence at Aberystwyth University. I was fortunate to be involved from the outset of the project, learning the history of the building and developing the design proposals alongside the Client, key stake holders and the design team. Seeing the project take shape on site and then being handed over to the University was very rewarding.
What’s your favourite part of the job?
I particularly enjoy producing design drawings and specification information and using these to communicate information to the client and wider team. Seeing a project develop on site is also a great part of the job. Completion and handover to the client provides a great sense of achievement and job satisfaction.