Wrexham Indoor Markets
The Project
Wrexham’s Grade Il listed General and Butcher's markets lie at the heart of the Wrexham Town Centre Conservation Area. Wrexham County Borough Council appointed Lawray to develop proposals to revitalise the markets in response to the vision outlined in Wrexham’s Townscape Heritage Scheme.
A catalyst for regeneration
Both markets contribute a significant amount of character and heritage value to Wrexham’s Town Centre, providing links to the historical development of Wrexham through trade and industry. The proposals seek to remodel the markets to provide opportunities to accommodate a wider variety of traders and create flexible space for the markets. This will increase the markets’ destination offer whilst being a catalyst for the continuing commercial investment and regeneration within Wrexham Town Centre.
Butcher’s Market
Footfall and orientation around the Butcher’s Market will be improved with new central stall layouts and enhanced entrances – improving connectivity with the town centre. Breakout space will be provided for demountable food outlet seating to provide new places to eat and congregate. Perimeter stalls will be extended to provide much-needed display space and the roof will be repaired to provide UVA protection to traders and shoppers. Traders will also benefit from new lifts and stairs between the market hall and basement storage enabling them to move items between floors easily.
General Market
In the General Market, the central stall layout will be rationalised to improve circulation with flexible units for tenants. The existing historic outer units will be refurbished, and the hall will be redecorated along with the provision of a new café. Both markets will benefit from upgraded services, a WiFi network, CCTV, and storage facilities. New disabled access will be built off the main Butcher's Market entrance on the High Street.
Unlocking potential
Renovating and modernising the markets will provide a better environment for traders and a vibrant, diverse, and convenient place to shop and eat, contributing to Wrexham’s vision to be an attractive, distinctive, and accessible 21st-century town.