Ruabon Road Cemetery
The project
Considered of national importance, Wrexham Cemetery is a rare Victorian treasure. Although generally well-preserved, its buildings were on the Wrexham County Borough Council’s ‘at risk’ register.
Having successfully been awarded Parks for People Heritage Lottery Funding, the Council asked Lawray to help bring their vision for the cemetery to life – “to create a valued community facility – a green and quiet space away from the urban bustle.”
Restore and reuse
The project focussed on safeguarding the Grade II Listed structures and ensuring their sustainable use. It also aimed to conserve the historic landscape of the Victorian cemetery and access to and around the area. Elements included:
• Restoration and repair of the cemetery’s lodge and chapels, alongside works required to bring the buildings into new use (The Lodge was restored to provide a private rental property; Chapels were restored to provide a chapel/meeting room in West Chapel; and an office and public facility for viewing the historic records in the East Chapel)
• Conservation of the Victorian cemetery and registered landscape setting, including tree works and works to memorials
• Improving access through better surfacing and access control
• Improvements in order to enhance the landscape setting of the Listed Buildings and structures
Award-winning development
A huge consultation effort involving a wide range of stakeholders, the project was awarded an Outstanding Achievement Award for making a `significant contribution to the town’s environment and quality of life’. A contribution that will now continue for many generations to come.