Read stories by Tania Knowles

Emotional intelligence and how to master it

Tania Knowles

Business Development Manager

Tania joined Lawray in 2023 as Business Development Manager and is responsible for building relationships with our existing clients in Wrexham and North Wales, and developing new business in the North West of England. With a genuine interest in people and experience in the construction industry, she brings an established network of contacts, which will enable her to build a wider base of connections for Lawray.

Prior to working in the built environment, Tania spent 35 years in the Education sector, developing skills that she will utilise in her role. She originally trained as a drama teacher and later taught personal, social, health and economic education (PSHRE) whilst managing a department. She has also qualified as an NLP/NVC life Coach which she has been able to apply throughout her varied career.

Tania ran her own Education Consultancy, and has written educational materials for the Department of Education (DFE), and was fortunate enough to carry out research focusing on Emotional Intelligence, in Greater Manchester Schools with the support of Creative Partnerships funding. She worked for Manchester Local Authority in a consultancy capacity when the Building Schools for the Future (BFS) strategy was in place, which led to project work with staff and students.

Her desire to join the construction industry was stimulated by her interest and passion for the built environment, which has always had a deeply personal meaning for her and resonates on many levels. This made the choice to transition from the education sector a relatively easy one. She is passionate about social value with her core values aligning with those of the Lawray team.

Tania loves the outdoors especially beaches, hill walking and swimming. She also practices yoga and meditation, and enjoys vegan cookery, writing and socialising, all of which she does on a regular basis.